15 research outputs found

    A conceptual framework to implement gamification on online courses of computer programming learning: implementation

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    Piteira, M., Costa, C. J., & Aparicio, M. (2017). A conceptual framework to implement gamification on online courses of computer programming learning: implementation . In 10th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI2017) (pp. 7022-7031). (ICERI2015 Proceedings). IATED Academy.On the last years, gamification has studient in variuous contexts, such as marketing, health, sports and education. According to literature, gamification integrates "elements of game design in non-game context", with the objective of increasing users' engagement in certain activities. Therefore gamification integration on information systems should follow a formal and clear design process. However, these gamification design processes for specific contexts are not still defined. Thus, based on a literature review the authors proposed in a previously conducted study a framework for the implementation of gamification in online courses of computer programming learning. The framework is composed of the following dimensions: target audience, general goals, learning outcomes, topics, contents, gamification, cognitive absorption, flow, and personality. In the scope of this paper, authors present and describe the implementation of the conceptual framework. In order to achieve the objective, an online course of fundamentals of programming was designed and implemented, based on the previously proposed framework having then been launched a questionnaire to the students who attended the online course. The student's attitudes towards game elements have been identified.authorsversionpublishe

    STEM KIT: Teachers’ Notebook

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    Aprendizagem da programação no Ensino Superior: a adoção de cursos "online" gamificados

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    A temática da aprendizagem da programação tem sido objeto de estudo crescente nos últimos anos. Como forma de mitigar as dificuldades de aprendizagem da programação diversas soluções foram propostas. Procura-se assim motivar e criar experiências de aprendizagem ricas e envolventes, centrar o estudante na aprendizagem, contribuindo assim para que o estudante não desista na primeira dificuldade encontrada. A presente tese estuda em primeiro lugar os diferentes tipos de problemas, percecionados por alunos e professores, na aprendizagem da programação, e a aplicação de soluções que possam criar um maior envolvimento por parte dos estudantes. Baseado em diversas teorias nomeadamente na teoria da gamificação e do "flow" é aqui proposta e validada uma "framework" teórica de cursos "online" no contexto da aprendizagem de programação. Neste sentido, foi desenvolvido numa plataforma "online" um curso gamificado para operacionalização da "framework" teórica. Foi realizado um estudo com estudantes de diversos cursos de ensino superior das áreas de engenharia, para aferir dos resultados percecionados acerca do curso "online". Nesta tese foi também desenvolvido, um modelo teórico de adoção tecnológica de cursos "online" para a aprendizagem da programação, no qual se identificam os principais determinantes dessa adoção. Este modelo foi objeto de estudo e foi realizado um inquérito para validação das hipóteses aqui definidas. Como dimensões determinantes dessa adoção estão: fatores de personalidade dos estudantes, a facilidade de utilização da plataforma e do curso de aprendizagem de programação, o prazer na utilização do curso, a utilidade percebida do curso e o "flow". Os vários estudos conduzidos no âmbito desta tese, demonstram que o desenho de cursos gamificados e os fatores de personalidade dos estudantes são fatores chave na aprendizagem da programação e na adoção de cursos "online" realizados para o efeito

    Acceptance Model for Autonomous Driving Technology in Portugal

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    Most car manufacturers are increasingly looking to invest in autonomous driving technology, incorporating driver assistance functions with the aim of improving the safety of their products. Even though more and more vehicles are equipped with driver-assistance technologies, the idea of the vehicle itself performing the driving function completely makes most drivers fearful. A study was therefore carried out, applied to the Portuguese context, with the aim of studying the acceptance of this technology. An explanatory model was used, which incorporates dimensions from the technology acceptance model (TAM) and the main factors that contribute to technology acceptance were also identified. The results contribute to understanding the determinants of autonomous driving technology adoption

    Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: Challenges

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    Trabalho apresentado em CISTI'2019 - 14ª Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, Junho 2019, Coimbra, PortugalA inteligência artificial (IA) tem nos últimos tempos assumido um papel relevante nos mais diversos setores da nossa sociedade. Estamos num ponto sem retorno, e o nosso futuro passará naturalmente pela incorporação da inteligência artificial, na nossa vida diária, seja profissional, seja pessoal. A ideia da existência de máquinas “pensantes” e que tomem decisões pelos Humanos levanta uma série de questões éticas que devem estar presentes aquando do desenvolvimento e incorporação da inteligência artificial nos mais diversos setores da sociedade. É fundamental estudar e investigar as melhores abordagens à sua integração. O presente estudo identifica, os principais princípios orientadores da ética, na área da informática e sistemas de informação, em contexto de uso de sistemas inteligentes e autónomos. Apresenta também os resultados de um estudo bibliométrico, no qual são identificados os principais grupos de assuntos estudados e publicados na ACM e IEEE pela comunidade científica.Artificial intelligence (AI) has in recent times assumed a relevant role in the most diverse sectors of our society. We are at a no return point, and our future will incorporate artificial intelligence into our everyday life, professional or personal. The idea of "thinking" machines existence, making decisions by Humans raises several ethical questions. It is fundamental to study and investigate the best approaches to their integration. This article identifies the guiding principles of ethics in the context of using intelligent and autonomous systems. Here we present a bibliometric study, reporting the main ACM and IEEE studies on Ethics and AI. Our results indicate various clusters of Ethics and AI, that the scientific community has been focused on.N/

    Development of E-learning in higher education and future directions

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    The present paper is based on the work of the ‘Future of E-Learning Group’, a constituent of the EUNIS E-Learning task Force. The group has set up a number of tasks to fulfill its role, one of which, is seeking and disseminating information on the development of e-learning with a view to ensuring the right guide is provided for progress into the future. In our work to date, in this era of globalization, we question the ability of present university systems to respond adequately and appropriately to complex demands of an Information Economy. There’s increasing involvement of private sector in higher education. The effects on future learning on the use of varying tools as well as the design of competency-based performance in e-learning have been reported (Wolrery et al, 2000; Sluijsmans et al, 2006). Several multimedia learning systems are being developed for use as future interactive educational tools (Low et al, 2003). New thinking is required for the new relationships that are being developed between creative subjects and technology when we consider the nature of universities in their present state of existence as public sector institutions. The university of the future can be perceived as a setup, based on international trade in educational services, with universities fulfilling the functions of licensing, quality assurance and cultural custodianship. The pressent paper discusses some of these issues and reports on the future directions of e-learning as they relate to higher education

    Painel MOOCs

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    Dedicada à temática da Educação Aberta e ao seu contributo para "abrir a educação" em Portugal, apresentam-se quatro casos de boas práticas e experiências em curso nas instituições: o caso do Instituto Superior Técnico, com a sua experiência na área STEM ; o caso do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal com a experiência dos MOOCs Scratch e Tópicos de Matemática Elementar; o caso da Universidade Aberta com os MOOCs Alterações Climáticas e o Contexto das Experiências de Vida, Competências Digitais para Professores e Lisboa e o Mar: uma história de chegadas e partidas, e o caso da FCT- FCC com a proposta do projeto nacional MOOC Portugal. Este painel integra-se no eL@IES2015, 5º Encontro de Instituições e Unidades de eLearning do Ensino Superior dedicado ao tema da Inclusão no eLearning.Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Universidade de Coimbra e LE@D - Laboratório de Educação a Distância e eLearning da Universidade Aberta.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Technology-enhanced learning on campus: insights from EUNIS e-Learning Task Force

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    In 2010 the EUNIS e-Learning Task Force (ELTF) members collaborated on a review of tools and technologies in use across our member institutions. One of the key features of that paper was the use of technology to give off-campus learners, such as distance learners, those undertaking field studies and learners in the workplace a richly supported learning experience. Building on the success of that collaboration, the ELTF members have turned their attention this year to the use of technology on campus. Whilst technology and distance learning go hand in hand, universities are often slower to take advantage of the possibilities offered by technology to enrich the learning that takes place in our lecture theatres and classrooms. The reasons for this are often cultural as much as financial or technical. Drawing on experience from across the EUNIS member nations we take a look at the types of tools, learning resources and learning activities that are being used to enhance the traditional curriculum, promote deeper learning and bridge the learning that takes place inside and outside the classroom. We look at a range of innovative projects and the benefits they have delivered, ways of overcoming the barriers to technology-enhanced learning on campus and we speculate about the role and function of the campus of the future

    How to Apply Gamification on Online Courses?

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    Piteira, M., Costa, C. J., & Aparicio, M. (2018). Computer Programming Learning: How to Apply Gamification on Online Courses? Journal of Information Systems Engineering & Management, 3(2), [11]. DOI: 10.20897/jisem.201811Gamification has attracted the attention of researchers from different areas such as marketing, health, sports, and education. Gamification integrates elements of game design in non-game context, with the purpose of engaging a person in a particular activity. This integration should follow a formal and precise design process. However, these gamification design processes for specific contexts are not still defined. This article presents a proposal for a gamification framework for online distance courses to learn how to program. This framework is composed of the following dimensions: target audience, general goals, learning outcomes, topics, contents, gamification, cognitive absorption, flow, and personality. This article also presents a review of the existing literature on these dimensions. The theoretical framework is a contribution to guide teachers in the gamification of online programming learning courses.publishersversionpublishe